Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oral Presentation: Self Assessment

Film Language:
I think that I used a decent amount of film language in my analyzation. What I discussed I think you needed to know already a fair amount of film language in order to prove my point. The fact that I discussed the conventions of the Noir genre, I was able to use a lot of film language regarding the cinematography, lighting, and character development.

I found a lot of the information on Socio-Culture in the documentaries we have watched in class. They discussed a lot of Billy Wilder's background and influence in film. The Noir genre was highly discussed because of it's relevance to the surrounding world at the time. The background of the actors themselves was also discussed because of their actual careers being similar to the lives of the characters in the film.

Rationale for Selection:
I did not really have a choice for this film but I did get to chose my own selection of the film. I chose this excerpt because I felt that it really exemplified the characters as they really are. This scene also showed a lot of the conventions of the Noir genre in which I was trying to discuss. It showed for the lighting, cinematography, setting and exemplified the femme fatale character.

Outside Research and Critics:
There was a lot of outside research behind this movie. I do not think that I looked up as much background information as I could have. I did not go much further than the documentaries that we watched in class.  Although their was a lot of information in the documentaries, but I could have incorporated more of the information into the analyzation of my excerpt. I did do some research on the Noir genre which complimented my oral very well.

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