Tuesday, May 28, 2013

End of Year Reflection

Final Reflection
Independent Film Research
I feel my strengths in approaching the research is my knowledge of mis en scene and collective eye for things of that sort. Also, I took really good movie notes for both movies that really helped me have information to look back to and compare. I think I need more training with the format or correct way to write it. There were no specific way to write it and I think I need to organize my ideas better. My suggestion for next year would be that you could give more class time to work on this so we would be able to discuss it with you.

Oral Presentation Experience
My strengths in approaching the oral were that I picked a good scene to analyze with a lot of things within the scene that I could talk about. I feel I need to go deeper into what exactly I am analyzing  and bring up key points that are more below the surface. I talk mainly about what is on screen rather than what is behind the scene. I think we should do more of these to practice them or do more socratic seminars to bring up film speaking skills.

Production Experience
I feel that I really improved the quality of my work this year. I have learned to become more organized and consistent with making deadlines. A lot of more time was put into my film productions this year and taught myself to take care of a bigger workload. I feel I need to work on my story writing process because there always is a lot of wholes in my narratives with rough transitions. More advanced tutorials for the IB students would be nice to improve the skills and techniques for camera work and editing. Also maybe less blog posts at one time because sometimes it got overwhelming when you would assign three at a time.

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