Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Documentary Pre-Prodution: Winter 2012

Documentary Pre-Production: Winter 2012
1.Purpose: To educate the audience about radiology at San Francisco General Hospital
2.Contacts: My father, my father’s boss, my father’s co-workers, and possibly patients.
3.Interview Questions:
-What’s your favorite thing about working at your job?
-What did it take to get to your position today?
-How was it when you first started working here?
-What is the hardest thing about your job?
-Can you tell me some history behind the hospital?
-What do you usually deal with on a day to day basis?
-What is the weirdest case that you’ve ever dealt with?
-How are the patients that you scan usually?
4.Shot List- Close-Ups, Extreme Close-Ups, Waist Shots, Long Shots, Extreme Long Shots and B-roll.
5.General Flow: The beginning would open up with the with shots of the neighborhood eventually leading up to the hospital. Then a shot of the sign of the hospital with some others inside the hospital. Next, I would use some voice over to introduce the section of the hospital I am documenting while showing B-Roll of the whole Radiologist department. Like people working, technology and stuff like that . After, I would introduce my first interviewer and ask them questions while showing B-Roll relating to the questions. Then, I want to talk about some history behind the Radiologist department and how it has updated from before. And within talking about the history and stuff, I want to maybe include more interviews. Finally, I want to end the documentary with every interviewer answering a good closing question with B-Roll of the hospital.
6. Scripts: Questions for the interviewers, templates to answer the questions and voice over script.
7. Production Schedule:
By November 30th - All pre-production is done; treatment, 2 column script ready, etc...
By December 6th - All filming is completely done
By December 9th - Rough Cut done and Music score started
By December 12th - Whole edit is complete and ready to be exported


  1. Solid. Your concept is pretty much fully fleshed out, and simple enough that I don't see too much possibility for error. It's honestly very smart to stay safe and not take too many risks; the only thing I could imagine ruining this is perhaps poopy B-roll or useless interviews, but I trust that you're capable enough to avert these pitfalls. Solid, solid.

  2. you have a great, interesting and unique concept that seems pretty well developed overall. Great intro and I'm sure you'll have great intelligent interviews too. Like Tyrin, I agree that the only possible pitfall could be B-roll that could get repetitive. However, I'm sure you'll find a way to keep it interesting and the interviews themselves can probably sustain the audience if that is needed as well. Look forward to seeing this concept come to life.

  3. Wow! This is a really good idea and I love the overall concept. Your general flow is really clear and precise. I like how incorporated some of the history behind the this apartment, which is very important. In addition I think you will be able to get some really awesome shots, especially with all the technology that is used with radiology and you had mentioned that the department had been updated, so this is a perfect time to film. I also like you interview questions,they are more geared toward the employee and their job instead of the overall general department. However you might want to explain what radiology is, some may not know this term or are familiar with it but don’t exact meaning. Overall I do agree that this is a unique concept and can’t wait to see the final product! Great job.

  4. This project will offer a neat insight on the inside life of this department, but would you be able to discuss more about how this department ties into the functionality of the hospital as a whole? Doing so could provide more emphasis to the points you are making in your documentary. Also, to have an easier transition from the opening scenes b-roll to be beginning of the interviews, you could provide a voiceover of one of your interviewees saying something like "The Radiology Department at ...." etc... That might help make the opening shots more relevant. Great idea!

  5. The general flow sounds nice and interesting. The intro is unique and an original way to open up the documentary. I think you should develop more on the field of radiology itself, sorta show what it entails and the mechanics behind it. This piece actually really interests me because I'm focusing on a career in this exact field when I'm older. I hope I'll be able to learn from it. Try to incorporate more of what makes radiology unique and how it applies to the rest of the hospital as a whole. try to have some B-Roll of the machines and how they work. I think it would be a cool scene to have a shot of the camera loaded into the MRI machine and then brought into scanning. You could use a fisheye effect and make it look really cool. I dont exactly know if you could do that though.
